If you'll recall the deer incident en-route (see: "Deer 1, Me 0: http://beyonddwheel.blogspot.com/2016/07/deer-1-me-0.html) we didn't quite make it to Coeur D'Alene. And alas, on out way back home from the "great white north" we once again didn't make it.
Bonner's Ferry, ID: about 30mi south of the Canadian border. "Blondie" needed to pee and there wasn't a gas station in sight. I did what any attentive dad would do: I pulled into the nearest vacant lot (which happened to be a Menonite church) so the boy can relieve himself. About 3min later or 2miles down, the car started making s rumbling sound, emanating from the rear left tire. As fast as it was happening I had noticed. Then just as fast, the tire blew out and low pressure light went off.
Pulling into the nearest parking lot, of course there was no food establishments for Prudence and the boys to sit and eat while I changed the flat. She called Enterprise right away as I jacked up the car and put on the donut. As she got off the phone, I could tell it was going to be an even more interesting trip.
Enterprise's policy for roadside was to change the flat, but I'd already done that. Next option was to find a car repair close and have them put new tire on and Enterprise would reimburse us. Option three was to drive to closest Firestone or Tire-Rama and they'd replace the tire and directly charge Enterprise. The final option was to find another Enterprise and get a different rental.
We opted for option 2: find a Tire-Rama. The closest location was in Coeur D'Alene, ID about 50mi away. We packed the. boys up and started to make our way at a snails pace of 50mph-the suggested speed limit on a donut. Within the first 10min, something wasn't feeling right (besides the snails pace at which we were moving). I decided to call the Tire-Rama and (I'm sure you can assume what transpired next) after talking to the clerk on the phone, he told me that "18-in tires are an odd size. We don't have that here, but can get it in about a day-and-a-half."
In what country is an 18-in tire odd for a SUV?! To my knowledge that's standard sizing for a Sports Utility Vehicle....
....so option 3: drive to Spokane, WA for a new vehicle. This was an additional 47 miles on top of the 50 to Coeur D'Alene. You can get about 100 miles out of a donut - were pushing the boundaries here.
So once again on this trip, we didn't make it to Coeur D'Alene, ID. At this point, I don't even care if I ever get there in this lifetime.
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